ECCO2-MITgm vs Observations

lat-lon grid 1/8 global simulations (lle.nb.01)

North Atlantic

Here are some comparisons between the outputs from the ECCO2-MITgcm ll2.nb.01 simulation (lat-lon 1/8 global) and observations from Levitus 94 and the SST from AMSR-E satellite data. We focus on the temperature and salinity fields.

MODEL: monthly climatology from Jun./2002 to Mar./2005 of THETA (monthly averaged available here)

DATA: monthly climatology of SST from the TMI + AMSR-E OI product (limited to Jun./2002 to Mar./2005)

DATA2: monthly climatology of Levitus 94 (THETA)


cube-sphere grid 510 global simulations (cube49)

North atlantic

RQ: To avoid systematic errors due to grid and fields resolutions, we only plot the fraction of the domain volume for each THETA class

cube-sphere grid 510 global simulations (cube54)

North atlantic